

CSS left:auto, strikethroughs on OneNote and Bootstrap Modal trickery.

  • If you need to overwrite an absolutely positioned element to the other side of the container

    .rtl {
    .className {
        left: auto; /* this will overwrite the original left: 0; */
  • If you use Microsoft OneNote you can strikethrough text by selecting it and pressing: CTRL + -
  • Using a Bootstrap 3 modal, you can create a space of clickable content above the modal backdrop by:

    /* Say we want to push it down 50px */
    .modal-backdrop, .modal {

/* If you then wanted to stretch the modal to cover the whole screen */ .modal-dialog, .modal-content{ height:100%; }

.modal-dialog { width: 100%; }

  • Another useful Bootstrap modal trick - if you want to make sure the user clicks on a modal button.

    backdrop: 'static',
    keyboard: false