

An Example of Mocking a Service and a Module with Jest.

If you have a service or module that you need to mock for tests, you can easily do this with Jest.

Mocking a Service

In order to mock one of your own services, to set it up, you can do the following in your test file:

import serviceToBeMocked from "./path/to/service";


jest.mock("./path/to/service", () => ({
    functionToBeMocked: jest.fn()

From there, you can mock the implementation where you need it, for example:

describe("renders", () => {
    serviceToBeMocked.functionToBeMocked.mockImplementation(() => {
        return yourMockData;

Mocking a Module

If you need to mock a module used in your application, you can also use Jest for this. If you needed to mock Axios for example, you can do the following:


import axios from "axios";


axios.mockImplementationOnce(() => 
        data: {
            id: 1,
            name: "Joe Soap",


When it comes time to make your assertions, can do the following:

it("does something", async () => {

    await wait(() => {

