

Heroku Commands.

Cheat Sheet.

These are some of the basic Heroku commands to keep in mind once you have the Heroku CLI installed:

  • heroku -v // provides you with version info
  • heroku auth:whoami // displays who you are currently logged in as
  • heroku info app-name-here // provides you with info about your app
  • heroku open // opens the app you are working on
  • heroku create // creates a new Heroku app and links the Git repo to yours i.e. you do not need to add a remote
  • git remote -v // if you want to check which Git remotes you have
  • heroku logs // displays the logs
  • heroku releases -a app-name-here // displays details of the releases of the app on Heroku
  • heroku status // lets you know if there are any known issues on the platform at present
  • git push heroku master // will deploy your app from master to Heroku
  • heroku config:set KEY=value // setup environment variables in Heroku