

Mastering React.

I have started a new online course called Mastering React by Mosh Hamedani. I previously completed his The Complete Node.js Course which was excellent!

The Node.js course takes one through the development of an example app called Vidly, but in the course of developing it, Mosh takes you through modern ES6 syntax, Express, MongoDB, Mongoose, Helmet, Winston, TDD-testing with Jest, authentication with JWT and a host of other topics. The content and the delivery of the course are excellent. I found that Mosh has a way of explaining things that really resonates with me and it felt like many topics really clicked for me throughout the course.

As a result, when I saw he had self-published* a course on React I was immediately interested. Especially because the React course builds a front-end for the Vidly app created in the Node.js course. I felt it would be a great follow-on to that course. Now that I have been dipping my toe into the React world it is the prefect time to start the course so that I fill out my React knowledge and understanding.

The React Tic-Tac-Toe tutorial (I believe it was written by Dan Abramov since the CodePens are under his GitHub name) really whetted my appetite and even though I am only about 20% through the Mastering React course, I already feel like some of the React concepts I started picking up on last week are starting to click in a more meaningful way!

*The Complete Node.js Course by Mosh Hamedani is published on Udemy along with many of his other courses. He has since started self-publishig courses on his own platform at Programming With Mosh. Check it out!