

Azure Shell.

We are going to be getting a Java developer to do some work with us next week, as result I needed to prepare an environment for him to deploy to. You can then deploy your .war file into the site ROOT folder that gets created by Azure once you have created your Java App Service. If you are deploying a .jar, the deployment location is a little different.

  • If you need to ping from Azure, you can do so from Kudu by using: tcpping
  • az group list | List your resource groups
  • az account set -s subscriptionId | If you do not see your resource group, your Azure Shell may be linked to the wrong subscription.
  • az webapp create --name webAppName --resource-group resourceGroupName --plan appServicePlanName | Create a webapp service
  • az webapp config set --name webAppName --resource-group resourceGroupName --java-version 1.8 --java-container Tomcat --java-container-version 8.0 | Set that webapp to use Java