

Miscellaneous confusions...

  • Why does installing MongoDB require the installation of XCode?

    Before you say 'Hold on there buddy! You can run Homebrew on X Code's standalone Command Line Tools.'. Yes, I know. And no, not always. Yes, I successfully installed, for example, the Azure CLI via brew with only the Command Line Tools installed. However, when trying for brew install mongodb I was told explicitly by brew that the standalone tools were not enough. It makes little sense to me that I need to install a 9-10GB application in order to install MongoDB. Why?
  • Why is iCloud Keychain so complicated?

    After numerous attempts and combinations of password resets, signing in with AppleID password, then laptop password, then SMS verification code and then some strange 6 digit 'iPhone' passcode (which was not my iPhone's passcode) continually failed despite me entering verification codes generated from my iPhone. I eventually managed to get in with the details it had to date been failing with. How? I have no idea.
  • Then we come to Azure Portal. Now, I have been using Azure at work and been experimenting with it at home and I have noticed on several occassions:

  • I have had to have my Azure password at work reset at least twice because, for some strange reason, Azure sometimes signs out and then seemingly will not allow you to sign back in.
  • In addition to this, when you do sign out, Azure often asks you to close the window - why?
  • Lastly, today, after signing out of my Azure account this morning, when I returned this evening, Azure informed me my account was temporarily suspended due to suspicious activity and that I need to send an SMS code to my phone to re-activate. Firstly - what suspicious activity? I was not even signed in. Secondly - when sending the SMS, the loading spinner just spun and spun and spun...