

Terminal commands, Chrome tabs on Windows, NPM and More React.

  • mkdir foldername && cd $.
  • mkdir -p subfoldername/{subsub1,subsub2,sub_sub3} && touch filename.js
  • Switch Chrome tabs on Windows with Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Shift + Tab,
  • npm i -S dep1 dep2 dep3
  • npm i -D devDep1 devDep2 devDep3
  • Following along with the React Yelp Clone tutorial | Link
  • This tutorial seems to be somewhat outdated. It does however, take you through the proces of configuring your environment manually (more or less) which, I think, will be valuable longer term. Note that you may run into issues with npm start when configuring the CSS Modules and loaders. The best thing to do here is to take a look at the packages.json file in the GitHub repo and compare the version numbers. When I installed the dependencies, I received the latest in everything and this broken some of the code. Setting the dependencies to the versions on GitHub should rectify this. ([Credit] (
  • You will also need to change the way the Component Class is setup according to ES2016 as JS classes namely

    class App extends React.Component{
    render() {
    return (
    Hello world!
    ) } }