

Touch and pipe file to VS Code, git fetch and more Gatsby.

  • touch file.js | code file.js
  • git fetch --all
  • More Gatsby | Link
  • console.log in a Node.js/React.js context may mean the terminal
  • Ctrl + C to quit the task: gatsby develop

Thoughts on today's learning:

Sometimes you miss crucial words in tutorials which have a big impact on progress. In the above tutorial, whenever you update gatsyb-node.js you need to stop and start the gatsby server. Added to that, console.log in the exports.onCreateNode function will log to the terminal, not the browser console. This had me thinking my code was not working for quite some time as I was looking to the browser console for the logged data. Regardless, the lesson is persevere! Re-trace your steps, with a fine-tooth comb if necessary, there is something you are assuming that is happening that isn't.