

Thoughts on Apple Acquiring Shazam.

Note: This post is a transplant. First published on 2017/12/12. It was written by myself on another site and has been moved.

Apple Confirms Shazam Acquisition

  • I didn't realize Shazam have been around since 1999!
  • Did Google ever kick the tires on a deal? If you take a look at YouTube comments on videos that have music, inevitably there are people asking "What song is that?" Or "Who is the artist?" Having to use another app to figure out the song and then yet another app to actually get hold of the music is too much friction.
  • As Apple says in their statement on the acquisition. This is a natural fit to Apple Music. To my mind it will widen the funnel into Apple Music and remove layers of friction in the process of recognize > discover > purchase. Integrating this into the OS/Siri layer so that it is easily and more importantly, instantly available when you need it os a good step.
  • The potential of the integration of Shazam into Apple TV is appealing! How many times have you heard a song in a movie or TV show and you wonder what it is? I can't count how many times I hear something good on TV but then having to bring up the phone, open the app and record. Often this process takes too long and the moment passes. Built into the OS, into Siri, connected to the streaming is where this should be. It is the natural form and extension to the question of "Who is this?" when hearing a great song.
  • What happens to the existing integrations to Spotify and Snapchat?
  • I imagine the Android version will remain since Apple Music is on Android.